Thursday, March 1, 2018

SOL, March 1: Making Memories

In the same week, I have tried to bore in my mind memories of my daughters bringing me joy, and I have known events for others that one would want to rid from one's memory.

To explain, I have a ten-year-old, Haidyn, who has a lot of shoulder in her dance moves, and as she was dancing, I wanted to remember how much it made me laugh and smile. Commit the picture of her at ten to my memory, so when she is 26 (which is always the age I tell her she is--she comes across very mature), I can tell her about the times she was dancing. That those moments brought me so much joy, and that I can still remember what she looks like then. As for my seven-year-old, Paisley, the dance moves I will remember from her are 10,000 pirouettes in the living room with her serious face on, and the way she puts a sideways mouth move when she does fast dances on stage. Trying to memorize these moments is important to me.

Unfortunately, life sometimes offers us memories that we try not to even face, or we may even block them out eventually, as they are too hard to deal with at the time and sometimes even later. We should all deal with them, and we can all get through them.

My point is that whether we are running from our memories or if we are trying to remember them for a long time, memories make up who we are, and memories of others keeps the bond alive and that person alive, long after they are no longer in our lives. I am so thankful for memories, and I hope to put this new slice of blog in my memories that I will cherish.


  1. Your post brought back a flood of memories, both good and bad. I don't mind remembering the bad ones on occasion though, because they are a reminder to me of God's goodness and grace of getting me through them. :)

  2. Love this....I LOVE FB "On This Day" posts for this exact reason. I love to be reminded of things that I thought were important enough to share with the world. I love even more when I haven't thought about that memory since the day it was posted. Sometimes stuff happens that I think will be forever in my memories and then my future life happens and takes over the hard drive space in my brain. Good ol' facebook bailing me out and reminding me of the good stuff I don't want to forget about....

  3. Nellie, I love that you took my thinking further. Writing them really does commit them. I probably need to write daily, blogging or otherwise.
