To wrap up the Kansas City trip, we attempted to go mini-golfing. Get it, go to the greens! As it was St. Patrick's Day! However, it was not open. Instead we ended up at Get Air Trampoline Park. The girls loved it. Not only was there the normal, like the American Ninja Warrior course, dodgeball, basketball, and the trampoline rows, but here was also a surfing board, a tight rope, a course that ended with these awesome purple cloths where you can swing, and much more. They had a blast, and I was tired just watching!
Next, we headed to go eat, and then, we were on our way home. Narrowing the choices, we landed on the Salty Iguana. We even played "I Spy Something Green" while we waited on our food. Between cheese dip and fajitas, mmmhmm, my stomach was happy.
Finally, upon our return, we took Oakland for a walk to the park. And lark, what did we find, but a rainbow! on the pond. At the end of my rainbow is a golden family that I had a great deal of fun with throughout the weekend. I hope you and yours celebrated today by wearing green and spending time with ye loved ones.
I love how creative you are! I did wear green, but I wasn't as creative with my food and my plans for my entire day. I failed miserably. You win, Mary!!! I'm glad you had much fun with ye golden family!