Monday, March 4, 2019

Day 4: Houses: Take Them or Leave Them

My House Is Your House is a wonderful invitation to sharing your home with your friends and family; however, in this day and age, we don't seem to have time for others and rarely invite others to our homes. When I think about my weekend plans, what I really want is for someone to come over Saturday night and have dinner and play games or for a large group of my family to join us for Sunday dinner after church (but leave in time for me to get a nap. haha). The questions that run through my mind at the thought of just planning an event like this include:
  • who do I invite?
  • who actually has time to come?
  • when they get here, what are they going to think about my house? (more on this later)
  • how much do I have to clean in order for them to not judge me?
  • what do we eat? who has allergies? what if my kids won't eat that?
  • what are some conversations topic for this set of people?
I could go on AND ON, but maybe we all worry about this. I look around my house, and I make mental lists of everything I need to go through, clean out, spruce up, redo, etc. Does everyone do this? Would it matter if we lived in a brand new house with brand new things or would the bare walls and the not yet decorated corners bother me there as well? Then, I begin to think about the ideas that I can't take it with me when I go, so why am I worrying about all of this? Material possessions are not supposed to run my life, but the people in it should be where I concern my time with. So if that is the case, how bad can I let my house go if nobody really ever visits, and I can't have the perfect house. However, you are supposed to take pride in what you have, so how much time do I spend on fixing my house? My family deserves a great place to live, and my daughters deserve a place where they can feel proud to bring their friends. Maybe in the end, a smile, a warm welcome, a couch, a place to rest your head, and a warm meal is all we need. Maybe that is what makes a house a home. 

Furthermore, if you want to join us for dinner, my house is your house. Come on over! Just don't tell me what to fix about my house! 


  1. My parents house frequently turned into the "hangout" for me and my youth group friends. We lived in a different town than our church, our friends' houses had "extra" rooms, or finished basements, we could hang out in separate from parents, yet we usually ended up in my parents living room. My parents joined us playing games, watching movies, or just chatting. Our house was their house and I loved it!
    I promise I won't judge, ask questions, or question your decorating, just tell me what I can bring with me to accompany dinner!

  2. I love to play various board and card games dating back to when I was a little kid. I love puzzles too. Name the time and I'll bring Sequence and a pie or ice cream or pizza and we'll have a hay day! As for fixing up your house or decluttering or finding things that bring you joy...who cares??!! LOL

  3. I love hosting and having people over as well! I am obsessed with home decor and decorating and all of those questions run through my mind as well.

    I think you should have all of us that comment on this over for a game night and we will all bring something to munch on :) Sounds like a really fun night!
